Prayer Projects to Deepen Our Connection with God: #5 Slowing Time

When Anthony Bloom was a young priest an elderly woman in her 90’s came to him for advice. He suggested she seek advice with someone wiser, but she said she had asked many people with no success and that perhaps Bloom in his young ignorance would by chance blunder and say the right thing. So…

1000 Things I Really Like: Soul Sculpting

I’m walking in the early winter woods. The leaves are nearly gone. A  dusting of snow is on the ground. The air is crisp and clean. #519 Breathing crisp, clean air. I remember when I started my list many years ago. I was swinging in a hammock and reading the book One Thousand Gifts. In…

The Reward of Pausing: Soul Sculpting Project

It was the elk who affirmed my choice.  Though he was only a few yards away, he didn’t seem to see me. I sat on a log – very still, watching him step over the broken fence and wander uphill.   He felt like a gift. Had I not stopped my work and sat down…

Finding Flow: Soul Sculpting Project 

Why walk to the South Pole?  To banish time.  Erling Kagge — who walked to the South Pole in 50 days, by himself – believes that time banishment is a significant motive for most people who take epic expeditions.  Kagge says that on an expedition “momentary flashes of experience can be compared to eternity.  ….

Adjusting Time Orientations: Soul Sculpting Project

I like sunshine and warm days. So my favorite day of the year is December 21 – winter solstice.  This day’s my current favorite because I am strongly future oriented. I know this is the darkest day of the year and from here on it gets lighter (and eventually warmer). Summer solstice is a bit…

5 Minutes of Relaxed Attention in Nature: Soul Sculpting Project

The view of the Cimarron and San Juan Mountain ranges was postcard beautiful as we drove by. I grabbed a moment of attention for them, but then returned to my focus to our conversation. My friend and I were deep in the plot of sharing our stories from the past weeks. Personal joys, family events,…