Soul Sculpting Project: The 5 Minute Rosh Hashanah Celebration

Practicing Celebration New Soul Sculpting Feature Soul Sculpting Project: The 5 Minute Rosh Hashanah Celebration In a few days I’ll put on my apron and spend some time creating a meal with round loaves, chicken and carrot tzimmes. I’ll find the best looking apple and put some honey in a glass dish. I’ll get out…

Soul Sculpting Project: Playing with My Food

Soul Sculpting Project: Playing with My Food I’ve been playing with my food more lately and it is making a difference. Why do I eat? Why do you eat? Hunger is one reason I eat, but so many more reasons dominate my decision to put food in my mouth. I eat as social connection. Others…

Soul Sculpting Project: The How of Eating: Part Two

Soul Sculpting Project: The How of Eating:   Part Two It’s Not Just What We Eat. It’s How We Eat. You are participating a psychology experiment. You just had a blood draw to measure your ghrelin response (a peptide produced in your gut to tell you when we are full). Now you are sitting at…

Soul Sculpting Project: The How of Eating: Part One

Soul Sculpting Project: The How of Eating:   Part One It’s Not Just What We Eat It’s How We Eat. Ever do this? You’re hungry so you get out a snack to eat. Then you decide to get something done while you eat. You get to work and after a while you notice your snack…