Prayer Projects to Deepen Our Connection with God: #1 The Jesus Prayer

Many years ago in the fall of 1850  a Russian peasant was attending church and the scripture reading for the day was “Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thess. 5:17. The peasant’s heart was gripped. How was it possible to pray without ceasing? He set out on a pilgrimage to discover the answer. After many failed attempts…

Soul Sculpting: When Frustration Takes Over: Six Tactics to Take Control

Soul Sculpting: When Frustration Takes Over: Six Tactics to Take Control You’re finally in your car driving home. The meetings today did not go well. Time is short and the stakes are high. Children are at risk. Your clients are making poor decisions.   As you replay the conversations in your mind, your frustration begins to…

Soul Sculpting Project: Three Breaths to Connect

Soul Sculpting Project: Three Breaths to Connect I am on a walk. My mind is processing yesterday and planning tomorrow. I take a breath and wake-up to the present. I notice the juniper trees, the canyon rock, cool fresh air, the deep quiet. I begin to notice myself and feel my feet pressing the solid…

Soul Sculpting Project: Destination: Peace of Mind

Soul Sculpting Project: Destination: Peace of Mind Today we’ll use two legs to step towards our destination. First Leg: Creating peace in our body. It’s an old story, God took some dust from the ground and formed it into a person, Adam. Then God breathed into Adam’s nostrils the breath of life. (Genesis 2:7) So…