One Skill for Improving Tough Conversations:Soul Sculpting

The conversation yesterday was pathetic. The other person communicated honestly, offering good questions. I was the problem.  In the past I might have said to myself “Okay, talking doesn’t work for me. Just be quiet.” But I’ve tried that just be quiet technique often enough to know that it doesn’t work either. I’ve tended to…

Give Kindness: Soul Sculpting 2022 Lent Week 2

Deadly Sin of the Week:   Greed: An intense and selfish desire for something. We usually know it when we see it in others. And I have to admit I have it in myself.  Like all the deadly sins, greed can be problematic for the person expressing it.  Greed is associated with negative psychological states such…

Soul Sculpting Project: Loving in Conflict

Soul Sculpting Project: Loving in Conflict Roll back to the 1970’s. You and your spouse enter the lab room. There are comfortable chairs, recording equipment, and health monitors (heart rate . . . ). Your assignment: For 15 minutes work on solving a conflict in your relationship. When you finish Dr. John Gottman and Robert…

Soul Sculpting Project: Lightning Prayers

Soul Sculpting Project: Lightning Prayers I ‘d like to introduce you to a few of the animals in my life. Here are the latest additions of Hildegard, and Columba and their mother, here are Bridget and Macrina. Solomon our rooster and his 11 wives. Our large cat Nims. I have wild animals in my life…