Exploring Slow, Continuous Improvements: Soul Sculpting Project

Exploring Slow, Continuous Improvements: Soul Sculpting Project  What needs improving ?     I need better physical health specifically, I need to move my body more. What small movement could I do to increase my movement?     I could go to the gym every day. Too big, ask again. What smaller movement could I do to increase my…

Soul Sculpting Project: Design a Habit

Soul Sculpting Project: Design a Habit Behavior change is hard business. If it was easy we would have already made the change. Brother Lawrence wanted to make a change in his behavior. For him the change was in how he connected with God. Instead of the on and off connection with God that he had…

Soul Sculpting Projects: Monotasking with God

Soul Sculpting Projects: Monotasking with God “It is not necessary to have great things to do. I turn my little omelet in the pan for the love of God.” These are the words of Brother Lawrence, a French Lay Brother who lived in the 1600’s. Lawrence’s spiritual practice was simply to do all of his…