Exploring Slow, Continuous Improvements: Soul Sculpting Project

Exploring Slow, Continuous Improvements: Soul Sculpting Project  What needs improving ?     I need better physical health specifically, I need to move my body more. What small movement could I do to increase my movement?     I could go to the gym every day. Too big, ask again. What smaller movement could I do to increase my…

A Dose of Hope: Soul Sculpting Project

A Dose of Hope: Soul Sculpting Project What is Hope? The expectation that: Something good will happen –or– Bad, threatening stuff will not actually happen –or– No matter what happens ‘it will be okay’  Psychology definition: The expectation that one will have positive experiences or that a potentially threatening or negative situation will not materialize…

Soul Sculpting Project: Playing with Habit Design

Soul Sculpting Project: Playing with Habit Design The most depressing day of the year is almost here. The third Monday in January. That’s the day when the hopes of keeping our New Year’s resolutions begin to die. To keep my hopes alive this year I am pulling out my biggest power-tool for behavioral change. Habit…

Soul Sculpting Project: Design a Habit

Soul Sculpting Project: Design a Habit Behavior change is hard business. If it was easy we would have already made the change. Brother Lawrence wanted to make a change in his behavior. For him the change was in how he connected with God. Instead of the on and off connection with God that he had…

Soul Sculpting Project: Don’t Give Up Yet!

Soul Sculpting Project: Don’t Give Up Yet! The odds are against us. If you made a New Year’s Resolution you have a 8-10% chance of success. That is 90-92% odds you will not keep it. And what’s worse —  we are nearing the third Monday in January. This the day when the drop out rate…

Soul Sculpting: Just Need More Will-Power? Maybe Not.

Soul Sculpting: Just Need More Will-Power? Maybe Not. When do you feel like a will-power wimp? I feel that way when my wave of motivation ebbs and I turn to my will-power to lean on. More often than I like, my will-power crumples and I fail to stick with the plan I created in my…